Degassing Tower Solution for Fish Farming and Aquaculture Applications
The Degas Towers are fixed-bed, aerated, biological filters designed to provide and enhance the gas exchange and nitrification process. The Degas Towers are fabricated from Polypropylene the appropriate material to withstand the harsh operational conditions of Aquatic Life Support Systems with Fire rating Class A EN85.
The Degas Tower receives the pre-filtered effluent wastewater and trickles it through aerated fixed bed solid media (PE bio balls), for nitrification and gas exchange – deaeration.
Biomedia is installed inside the Degas Towers to offer the maximum surface area not only for the microorganisms’ nitrification activity but also for the gas exchange process for restoring the levels of CO2 and O2 up to the required values.

MAT-KULING Degas equipment design includes a service hatch on top, manway on the side, two grating layers to hold the biomedia packing volume stable inside the tower, level indicator, drain valve, and brackets for stilling well on the external sides of the Tower. The Unit is hydro tested prior to the second layer welding and at the end of production as a complete product.
Components of Degas Towers
The assembly components are fabricated to maintain high resistance to corrosion from sea/saltwater in contact. Indicative material used for fabrication:
- Food grade PP with a minimum thickness of 5 mm for the body of the tower
- Side manway &observation of the window made from acrylic
- Bolts & nuts from Delrin
- Valves from uPVC
Aquaculture Overflow Launders